Thursday, February 23, 2023

Eight Values of Free Expression

 By James Hoban

After reading through the 8 speech theories, it is easy to see how each of them could play into different aspects of our lives. It is important for us to analyze the type of communication and self values that we share with one another and these theories do a great job of helping analyze that.

    The first theory that really stuck out and connected with me was the Individual Self-Fulfillment theory or "self-actualization" which talks about how free speech becomes a part of us and helps identify who we are. Having free speech in my opinion is key to letting us express our ideas freely and be able to discuss our opinions with one another without risking persecution or discrimination for these ideas. This in my opinion is a key part of what makes America so special and allows us to identify with the groups we most connect with and understand. 

    Another one that caught my attention was the section talking about promoting innovation. This section explains how free speech plays an important role in innovation because without it we might not have the opportunity to fully express brand ideas or goals for the future of a brand without the opportunity to speak without censorship. Free speech has alway been a key part of business and media because it allows for full expression with advertising and brand connection. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Why do People Fear New Technology?

By James Hoban


For a very long time is has been common for people to be unsure or uncomfortable with new technology coming out and impacting their lives. At one point in time people even turned away the invention of the refrigerator since they weren't sure how or why it could benefit them. There are all different sorts of reasons why people may be uncomfortable with new technology, but those who take the leap and become the pioneers of the new technologies coming out, are the same people who are able to build themselves up within that industry and become the pioneers of a generation of tech users. 

Final Post

 By James Hoban     In our current year 2023, it is clear how large on an impact that technology has played into our lives. We are all on ou...